
Publication Policy.

The Nigerian Journal of Entomology is published annually by the Entomological Society of Nigeria. Original research on any aspect of entomology and related arthropods are accepted and peer-reviewed for publication as a Full Length, Short Communication, or  Review Article. Contributors are expected to pay Two Thousand Naira (=N=2,000.00) per manuscript as handling charge while submitting the manuscript and pay Seven Thousand Five Hundred Naira (=N=7,500.00) if their papers are accepted for publication. Both rates are subject to review.



Premium is placed on high standard of technical content and communication in English language. Manuscript should be typewritten (Microsoft Word 2003-2007; Times New Roman; Font 12 points), double-spaced on A4 (30 cm x 21 cm) paper with 3.5 cm margin on the left, and 3.0 cm margins at the top and bottom of the page.



The title should be explicit and concise showing type and location of study, and the organism(s) involved. Scientific names should be accompanied the order and family to which the organism(s) belong, e. g., Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky [Coleoptera: Curculionidae]. Key words to be used for indexing should be provided and arranged alphabetically below the abstract.



Author's name (in capital letter), with the surname coming first, and address should follow the title. Current address, if different from where the work was done, should be given as a footnote. The corresponding author should be indicated by a superscript asterisk on the last initial and his/her e-mail address and telephone number included in the footnote.


Running Title.

Author(s) should provide a shortened version of the title below the abstract.



Text should be organized into Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion or Results and Discussion, Acknowledgments, and References. The Abstract should be concise and informative encapsulating objective of study, methodology, findings, and conclusions/recommendations. The Introduction hould contain an updated review of literature to give essential background information and objective(s) of research as well as make evident the incremental contribution being made to entomological science. Materials and Methods should be described explicitly, except when well known procedures have been followed or modified, to enable others interpret results or duplicate the work. In the case of a modified procedure, the requisite publication should be cited and the modification described. Results should be presented without duplicating data that can be seen in Tables or Figures. Discussion should explain rather than be repetitive of results, relate findings to previous knowledge, and focus on implications or consequences of the results.



Tables should be self-explanatory, well composed, typed one to a page in Microsoft Excel format, and numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. Tabular footnotes should be indicated using superscript alphabet(s) and explained in separate paragraph(s) beneath the Table. Data presented must have been subjected to appropriate statistical analysis.



Illustration should be twice the final size desired and made with black ink on white cardboard paper. Symbols such as '+', 'x', or '*' should be avoided. Legends should be typed below the illustration. Photographs should be printed on gloss paper with good contrast of black and white. Coloured photographs will attract additional charges.


Units and Numbers.

SI units should be used and the symbol separated from the value preceding it, e. g., 15 m. Arabic numbers should be used for: (a) quantities of items <10, (b) quantitative measurements in text and tables, e. g., 7.0 cm, and (c) for numbers preceded by a capitalized noun, e. g., Table 9.



Authors should comply with the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Species name should be given in full (followed by the author's name) in the title, abstract, and when first mentioned in the text. Subsequently, the generic name should be abbreviated.


Name of Pesticide.

The trade name of a pesticide should be preceded by its internationally accepted common name and the common name used subsequently.


References and citation should follow the name and year system; where there are more than one co-author, the senior author's name should be followed by et al. before the year of publication. Alphabets should be appended to year of publication when more than one paper is published in the same year by the same author(s). Examples: Oke (1985); Ekesi (2005a, b); Oparaeke and Dike (2005); Dungum et al. (2005); (Aigbodion and Anyiwe, 2002; Molta et al., 1996; Petu and Umeozor, 1987). References cited in the text should be listed in alphabetical order of the sole or senior author's name. The different types of citation are:


Ekesi, S. 2005. Ash from cooking fires      synergizes efficacy of entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae, against four major stored product insect pests. Nigerian Journal of Entomology 22: 64-75.

Hill, D. S. 1983. Agricultural Insect Pests of the Tropics and Their Control. 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, London, U. K. 746 pp.

Jackai, L. E. N., Singh, S. R., Raheja, A. K. And Wiedijic, F. 1985. Recent trends in the control of cowpea, V. unguiculata (L.) Walp., pests in Africa. In: Cowpea Research, Production and Utilization (Singh, S. R. and Rachie K. C. eds.), pp. 233-243. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, U. K.



Galley proofs are sent to authors for correction of printer's error(s) only. Any alterations by author(s) at this stage could attract additional page charge. Corrected proofs are to be returned to the Editor-in-Chief within 2 weeks.



Five offprints of each article are supplied to the sole or senior author.


Submission of Manuscript.

Manuscripts to be considered for publication could be sent by:


1.            E-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,




2.          Post (3 copies) to 

            Professor E. O. Ogunwolu (Editor-in-Chief, NJE)

Department of Crop & Environmental Protection University of Agriculture

P. M. B. 2373, Makurdi

Benue State, Nigeria.

Authors must affirm that the work has not been published and the manuscript is not undergoing simultaneous processing for publication in another journal.


After revision of the manuscript, author(s) should submit:

*             three copies of the revised manuscript,

*             an electronic copy (on CD, Removable flash or as attachment to E-mail),

*             the reviewed manuscript(s), and

*             letter indicating the changes made and reactions(s) to reviewer's/editor's  comments where status quo was maintained.


    Author(s) take(s) full responsibility for statements, views, opinions, and data contained in the paper published.

    Mention of proprietary products in the Nigerian Journal of Entomology does not connote endorsement by the Entomological Society of Nigeria.